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Royal Commonwealth Essay Competition 2009

Another great opportunity for our young people to show what they can do!

The Royal Commonwealth Essay Competition has four different age bands, 'Classes'. Each Class offers five topics, plus the Commonwealth Question and the Charlton Athletic Community Trust Question. As we hope to reach a diverse student body across the Commonwealth, there are options for both academic and creative minds. 

The Competition deadline is 1st March 2009 

CLASS A - Born 1990-1992 

1400-1750 words 

All questions can be answered by writing an essay or a story which explores the topic in an interesting and relevant way.  

  1. Can I help you? 
  2. Bullying is an issue which concerns young people throughout the Commonwealth. Why does it matter and what can be done about it?  
  3. It is 200 years since Charles Darwin was born and 150 years since the publication of "On the origin of Species". In your view, what evolutionary developments are needed to ensure the continuing survival and well-being of humanity? 
  4. EITHER Unlikely friends OR An unexpected friendship. 
  5. The match.  
  6. EITHER the Commonwealth Question OR Charlton Athletic Community Trust Question.

CLASS B - Born 1993-1994 

1200-1500 words 

All questions can be answered by writing an essay or a story which explores the topic in an interesting and relevant way.  

  1. Tracks. 
  2. What makes a good teacher?  
  3. Who's the boss in your family?  
  4. Sport ~ love it or loathe it?  
  5. The long way home… 
  6. EITHER the Commonwealth Question OR Charlton Athletic Community Trust Question.

CLASS C - Born 1995-1996 

500-700 words  

  1. Your assignment is to interview an animal for your local newspaper or radio station. Send us the transcript of your interview! 
  2. What three plants or trees are most important for life in your country? Why? 
  3. What I don't want to do when I'm grown up.  
  4. A distant cousin who lives in a very different Commonwealth country is coming to visit for the first time. Write a letter introducing yourself and your home. 
  5. Write a story about the sea or a mountain or both. 
  6. EITHER the Commonwealth Question OR Charlton Athletic Community Trust Question. 

CLASS D - Born 1997 or later

300-600 words  

  1. There is a fuel shortage in your area. How does your family cope? 
  2. You have decided to stand for leader of your community. Write a short speech stating what you will do to improve where you live. 
  3. The day was perfect for a swim … 
  4. The most exciting day of my life.  
  5. Write about what your life would have been like if you had been born a hundred years ago.  
  6. EITHER the Commonwealth Question OR Charlton Athletic Community Trust Question. 

Commonwealth Question

The Commonwealth Question is open to all candidates and entries will be judged according to the relevant criteria used in the four Classes (A to D). 

If you choose to answer the Commonwealth Question please DO NOT submit another essay and keep to your Class word count. 

The value of the prize is equivalent to that of the 4th prize in the relevant class. Any entrant selecting the Commonwealth Question as their topic will also have their essay considered for a main prize. 

Over half of the 1.8 billion people in the Commonwealth are aged 25 or under. What changes in your country would enhance the lives of young people?  

Charlton Athletic Community Trust Question 

  'The Beautiful Game': Why does football inspire such passion around the world?  


Anonymous said…
ermm...where do i pass up this message??

RoslynCT said…
You mean, the essay? I think you can get the info from the website. Sorry I'm not involved in the competition...just blogging about it.
Anonymous said…
En said…
any idea when the results will be out?
someone please contact me! :D thanks a bunch!
RoslynCT said…
Sorry, Qi, I think you need to keep checking the website.
Anonymous said…
when will the students get the result of this essay competition?
RoslynCT said…
Sorry, I have no idea. Maybe you need to check the website. I'm just blogging about it.
Hello There,

Interesting info and have a nice day,Thanks

Best Regards,
RoslynCT said…
Hi Muhamad.

Anonymous said…
haven t u stil blogged abt it?????m curiously waiting 4 ur ans
RoslynCT said…
Blogged about what? I merely blogged about the essay competition, if that's what you mean. If you are interested in the results, you will need to go to the website.
Anonymous said…
a bit late in commenting but why not? i was actually looking for the results, but anyway...

i think this competition is pretty cool. the whole worldwide aspect of it and stuff. i took part in it in my school and even if you dont win(and there's a pretty high chance that you wont, just saying)its still something that can help build your writing skills....:)
RoslynCT said…
I totally agree. I took part in it when I was a student and when I became a teacher, I would try to get my own students involved.

The 'worldwide' aspect really helps open students' minds up to the idea "I'm part of a network" plus as you put it, it's 'pretty cool' ;)

As for the writing skills bit, that goes without saying. Writing a few thousand words is quite a major undertaking. If you can write this, you won't find writing a project paper or thesis so intimidating.

By the way, your English sounds colloquial and you seem pretty comfortable with the language. If you don't win, I'd say you'd be in the top percentile.

Just saying...:)
Anonymous said…
thanks:) english is my first language, so id say that explains it.

i was surfing the internet again for any clues(ive found none so far...) and i decided to check in here again...:) i dont think the results are coming out any time soon, though.

well im off. good day to you.
RoslynCT said…
Good day to you too...

Hmm, does this mean that if the results come out, I better post it here in self defence?

Anonymous said…
wow, here i am

well i should hope not. im not a monster;) but i guess i wouldnt mind if it was posted here. so feel free..:D
速い羽~ said…
Wow, this year's questions are a little hard to write. But worth a try. I'll try it out now. ^^ I doubt I'll win anything anyway. I won't even get selected by the teacher!
RoslynCT said…
Deadline was 1st of March 2009...;)
Anonymous said…
Results are usually posted around mid-july. So... keep an eye out, but don't get too anxious until then!
Anonymous said…
any idea when the results will be announced?????
RoslynCT said…
Sorry, no idea.
Anonymous said…
Hi. Sorry to ask the question again but does anyone have any news about the results for this competition??

On the website it says that results will be announced in July but now it is already August!!

Any help would be appreciated :)
Anonymous said…
i was lookin 4 2010's topics
Essays Writing said…
Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.

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