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Showing posts from December, 2006

Gift Wrapping & Memories

Began wrapping the Christmas gifts... ya, I know, Fr. Nick was thumping the pulpit two Sundays ago saying Christmas isn't about presents.  Well, the presents may not be a religious part but they sure as heck are one of the most important cultural parts! And as happens every year, as I fit the paper to the gift and cut the tape just right, memories come flooding in.  I've wrapped all sorts of gifts; gifts for siblings, gifts for student Christmases, gifts of hope .. and all kinds of feelings are associated with these Christmas gifts.  Gifts in my family aren't the super expensive type.  They are meant to show that someone's thinking of them... I've had the most fun looking for unusual or quirky gifts.  But I have never managed to master the art of choosing gifts for men.  I usually fall back on stuff like socks, shirts and hankies.  I think the males in my family are swimming in the stuff.  But I do so like to shop for gifts......

Four Income-Tax Things To Do Before The End of the Year

Was reading a magazine (Personal Money). Interesting article about income tax. 4 Things To Do Before 2007 1. Add up all the book receipts for 2006 till it comes up to RM700. If not, go buy some more so you can get the max deduction. 2. Been thinking of insurance? Well, my life insurance + EPF is way over maximum so no need to top up. But my medical insurance is still only around RM2000. And I don't really need any more. 3. Medical check up? I can deduct RM500 for this. Hmm, actually I really do need this. Ponder ponder ponder.... 4. Tax residence planning? Non applicable. Hey, I can do Thing No. 1 while I do springcleaning, right? Thing No. 3 can swirl around in my head.. but I wanna nag the hubby to go get one. I kinda want him around for at least a half century more...

Gonna Be A Great Christmas!

This is going to be a great Christmas cos I'm no longer in the office! When I was a teacher in La Salle, I'd start on the Christmas cards and gifts in mid November (right after school closes!). Polish up the necessaries like hair, bod, clothes ... clean up the spirituals (reflection and repentance.. lots of that.. heh heh!). Then it would be time to do spring cleaning (the most amazing bit would be scrubbing the driveway with soap and water!), dig up the Christmas tree and decorations, strings of lights..wrapping christmas gifts and hiding them. Someone would remember the carollers' visit at the last minute so we'd rush to bake cakes and buy packet drinks. Oh we had fun. Then I moved to the office. Urgggh. November would mean lots of meetings in KL or Malacca or Terengganu where I'd hear lots of carols in the shopping malls and gaze at huge (don't touch!) Christmas trees in hotel lobbies. At night, I'd be crunching numbers in Excel which would be a her...

Now I Officially Belong To SMK Kolombong!

I officially reported for duty to Pn Rafidah the principal of SMK Kolombong on the Ist of December 2006.  First impressions: d*** big school, friendly but work-minded new boss.  Good. Cos some people focus too much on chit chat and the canteen.  I think I'm gonna like it there. But then again, I'm a very flexible person.  I can adapt to almost any situation.  Unless my very safety is threatened.  Then it's time to run!  So now my mind is geared towards school and plans and targets and analysis... 2007 is going to be a great year.