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Showing posts from June, 2010

I Dream Of....

It's 5.02 p.m. on Friday and I'm still at the office.  I have two letters to fax to schools (poor schools..!), calling them for meetings at the PPD.  I think by now, some of the teachers in schools absolutely dread seeing an email from me in their inbox. Well, while I sympathize with them, I feel so absolutely sorry for myself too.  I've got so much on my plate that it's tipping over ... but 'nuff said.  I don't want to dwell on negative things. Right now, I dream of white sandy beaches, shining turquoise waters and the heroine of the story would be soaking inside those waters, thinking of nothing but how warm the waters feel.  Actually, I am describing what my Friday would be like if my boss hadn't frozen all leave, forcing me to cancel my weekend in a beautiful resort just 45 minutes out of Kota Kinabalu.  Let me rephrase that... not cancel... POSTPONED.  I cannot wait.